Let’s make browsing great again, with Beaver Dam

We’re on a mission to make lives more relaxed.

The modern day browsing experience is far from relaxing. Consent this, newsletter subscribe that, subscribe now, and would you like some notifications?

Our goal is to reduce the constant distractions and everyday annoyances of browsing. We do that by fighting against the bad practices used on many websites.

What Beaver Dam does for you

Clipboard protection

We block websites from attempting to modify your clipboard contents, often used to inject "read more" links and even malware.

Reject optional cookies

We can automatically answer "no", "deny", "reject all" or similar to cookie consent dialogs from many of the common vendors, and will try to block the nag screens.

And more

We're constantly adding features to Beaver Dam and you can make suggestions and vote for the next feature.

Coming soon to a well stocked browser extension store near you.

Built on European Values

We want to make the web better, and we act like it. We don’t want your data, and we don’t want to complicate your life.

You will not find dark patterns trying to block you from ending your subscription, and we work hard to minimize the data we need to run our business.


We collect zero data from your browsing activity. Our service is built from ground up to collect only the data necessary to provide a subscription service, nothing else.


We want to bring you peace of mind, so our focus is always the safety of you and your data. We do our best to ensure we create safe software.

Join our community for discussion and feature requests